PDF Pattern Printing
We provide PDF pattern printing on our a large format plotter printer at a reasonable price. This service is for in store pick up. We do not currently ship printed patterns.
A0 Large Format Printing
We have a plotter and can print your PDF sewing patterns in a large format at a reasonable price. This means you can spend more time sewing and less time taping! If you are new to PDF patterns check out our FAQs and access the global world of pattern making. Please note this is an in-store service for our customers; we do not ship.
What we need
Please download your file and send either an A0, Wide Format, or Copy Shop version to maggy@sewinglounge.com. We’ll email you once it is ready to be picked up. You can also bring it on on a thumb drive but getting it printed immediately depends on how busy we are with other customers.
Frequently Asked Questions
Visit our PDF Printing FAQs page for answers to large format printing process and submission questions, such as how to submit files, where do you find PDF patterns, and more.
We print on high quality white 20# bond and will roll your patterns when they are done so you don’t have to contend with creases.
We are charging 25 cents/square foot for black or colored ink. One A0 size page costs $3 + tax. Currently we are the least expensive printing option in the Twin CIties.
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